Mostly BMW motorcycle service, repair and diagnostic interrogation
A workshop facility for
Specialist experience of Honda 400 fours, Yamaha TZ 350's, OW31's and other 'bikes from the 1950's through the 1970's
Tame motorcycle MoT tester nearby
Andy's Auto Services
15, Whittle Place, South Newmoor Industrial Estate, Irvine, KA11 4HR
01294 218899
Tyres supplied and professionally fitted by Campbells tyre service Irvine (07974 993689) and statically balanced by me
To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.
Douglas Adams
“I feel it should be done with finesse. You should have feel when you work on the engine. For instance, if you are torqueing something, eventually you can actually feel one kilo of torque, so you don’t really need a gauge. But just to be sure that it is exactly one kilo, I would always put a torque wrench on. I would always be really careful.
“I worked with an Australian one year and he never used to put grease on the O-rings. I said to him, ‘You’re taking a chance. A dry O-ring, you could always nick it, and it might leak.’ He disagreed, and sure enough it started to leak.
“He asked how I did it. I said I always put a bit of grease on, and turn it in its seat. He said, ‘That takes a little bit longer.’ I said, ‘It doesn’t take as long as the rider stopping and having to change something…’”
Derek "Nobby" Clark
September 1936 - 17th December 2017